Social Media

October 18, 2018


I sometimes question our existence:

Children crying, dying in Africa. How is that fair?
Teenagers, an entire life ahead of them,
slitting their wrists,
rope around their necks.
Why don't we care?

Old man disgusted at a gay couple kissing,
shakes his head,
goes to church.
"Why doesn't God listen to my prayer?"
Somehow forgets the thousands of men
he killed during the war. He exits,
slams shut the door.

We are more ashamed to talk about sex
than we are about war.
Woman with a bruised cheek,
lying on the bedroom floor.
"He said it'll be fun,
until I became his whore."

President talking about a wall
to stop people coming in.
Anyone else remember the Nazi
and all the Jews they killed in Berlin?

I sometimes wonder: isn't evolution supposed to make us better?
Where is God, and how do I send him a letter?